The long-term ramifications of critical illness are well documented and recognised among critical care staff but this understanding does not always spread beyond the ICU. We believe that patients should be provided with comprehensive information to help them in their psychological and physical recovery. Having been through the uncertainty and distress that can come with being critically ill, we know how important it is to have this information and the relief that can come from knowing what to expect or that what you're experiencing is normal for someone in your position.
Written by those with first hand experience of bring critically ill the booklets was produced in consultation with a wide range of medical professionals and received Department of Health endorsement as well as a Crystal Mark from the Plain English Campaign.
You can place a booklet order online but please make sure you check the costs and if necessary raise a purchase order with your hospital. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Recovery from critical illness is a long and difficult process but it shouldn't be made any harder than it has to be. The booklet "Intensive care - a guide for patients and relatives" is an inexpensive way of making that process a little easier.
How much do the booklets cost?
An invoice for the booklets will be sent after they have been delivered to you but please supply a purchase order number with your order.
Cost including delivery
- 125 booklets - £56.00 (45p each)
- 250 booklets - £88.00 (35p each)
- 375 booklets - £128.00 (34p each)
- 500 booklets - £160.00 (32p each)