Critical illness is devastating, surviving it shouldn’t be.
Understanding what is happening, what has happened and what lies ahead is key to recovery. Without this essential resource, it is very hard for people who have had a critical illness, and for their friends, relatives and partners, to know how to begin and to maximise their recovery.
About the ICUsteps Information Pledge
We are calling on intensive care units to stand with us in supporting patient recovery by taking the ICUsteps Information Pledge.
By signing up, ICUs pledge to provide comprehensive, good quality, accessible information to patients and relatives during their time in ICU and information for their recovery. This includes information on what happened to them in ICU, what to expect during their recovery and what may help their recovery.
The Pledge is part of our #RehabIsCritical campaign to ensure patients and relatives have the rehab and support they desperately need after critical illness.
Hospitals that sign up to the pledge will be listed on our wall of information champions.
Take the pledge
To take the Pledge, please complete the form below. We'll ask you about the information you provide and to name an Information Champion (someone who is interested in the information your unit provides to patients and relatives).