This Rehabilitation Guide has been developed by a national working group of professionals working in Critical Care. Currently, not all critical care units in the UK provide patients with information to help support ongoing recovery.
In producing this guide, our aim is to provide helpful information and advice to patients that is standardised nationally and is available to all critical care patients across the UK. This can be accessed directly by the patient or loved one. Alternatively Healthcare professionals may wish to have the booklet professionally printed to disseminate locally.
The different sections of the rehabilitation guide include specialist advice from all different healthcare professionals who are experienced in critical care rehabilitation and can help address the physical, cognitive and or psychosocial issues that a patient may be faced with following critical illness. Digital links and suggested websites have been included to signpost patients to further nationally available resources and support networks.
Sections include:
- Introduction to critical care
- Tracheostomy
- Transfer from critical care to the ward
- Discharge home
- Getting back to everyday life
- Common problems during and after a critical illness
- Mobility and physical activity
- Fatigue management
- Managing breathlessness
- The importance of goal setting
- Swallowing and communication
- Nutrition
- Psychological recovery
For hospital use, the back page can be edited with Adobe Acrobat to provide local hospital contact information.
Download the guide
This copy of the guide is intended for self-printing for patient or hospital use. For professional printing, please use the link below.
For hospitals who wish to have the guide printed professionally, please download the professional print PDF.
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