ICUsteps statement
As survivors of critical illness, relatives of ICU survivors and critical care professionals, everyone at ICUsteps has a profound understanding of the journey ahead for those who will be hardest hit by the Coronavirus pandemic. Our thoughts are with all of them, and those who will be fighting to help them through it.
In addition however, our thoughts and concerns are also with others being treated in critical care for other reasons and also those who are on their road to recovery from critical illness who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19.
ICUsteps stands behind NHS efforts to manage and cope with the virus. In these worrying and uncertain times, we urge those looking for information to rely on credible sources of information only.
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COVID-19 Is a Delirium Factory
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COVID-19 in Older People: A Rapid Clinical Review
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Are we under-diagnosing COVID-19 in older people?
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Perspectives on enhancing consent and recruitment in intensive care studies
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Early Interventions for the Prevention of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Survivors of Critical Illness: A Qualitative Systematic Review
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Nursing Times Coronavirus clinical zone
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A Clinical Psychologist Talks About the Challenges Inside and After the ICU for COVID-19 Patients
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ICU patient information resources
Given the additional risk to those recovering from critical care at this difficult time, ICUsteps recommends that support group events be suspended for the time-being to minimise potential exposure to the virus. We urge those seeking support to use our HealthUnlocked online community.
Intensive Care - a guide for patients and relatives
Our internationally renown guide for patients and relatives on intensive care treatment and recovery avavailable for hospitals to order, or as a PDF download...Read more
Translated patient and relative information
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Topic information sheets
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Online community
Our active community of patients and relatives affected by critical illness and COVID-19...Read more