In the intricate journey of post-intensive care recovery, the imperative need for comprehensive rehabilitation often becomes evident. Addressing this critical aspect, ICUsteps Active emerges as a beacon of support, offering a pioneering online physiotherapy programme tailored for individuals navigating life after intensive care.
To continue the evolution of our service, we're now recruiting for our next cohort of patients.
Inspired by the resilience and tenacity of those who have overcome the challenges of critical illness, ICUsteps Active aims to bridge the gap in post-ICU rehabilitation.
This programme stands as a testament to the perseverance of survivors and the dedicated healthcare professionals who recognise the long-term impact of critical care. Through a holistic approach, ICUsteps Active not only addresses physical recovery but also champions mental and emotional well-being, unlocking a myriad of benefits for participants on their path to reclaiming a fulfilling and active life beyond the confines of the intensive care unit.
At the end of 2022 ICUsteps were contacted by Andrew Mikhail, hotelier and ICU survivor, offering funding to help set up rehabilitation services for other survivors of critical illness. Andrew had been an ICU patient with Covid and had to find someone to help him rehabilitate himself. After meeting with ICUsteps Trustee Christina Jones, the idea of starting online rehabilitation classes was born.
As the plans started to form David McWilliams, an ICU physiotherapist and Professor of Physiotherapy at Coventry University, was brought into the discussion and added his expertise and insight to help bring the idea into reality and ICUsteps Active began.
David approached Clinical Specialist Physiotherapists Zoe van Willigen and Rachel Devlin to lead the new ‘Active ICU Steps’ programme. Zoe and Rachel have previously run successful online and face to face 'EMPOWER' rehabilitation classes for their own NHS Trust and agreed that their locally designed project could be adopted on a national scale. Rachel and Zoe have now been joined by Rachel Blake, a qualified occupational therapist who works as the exercise instructor for the ICUSteps Active programme.
About the programme
ICUsteps Active is an exercise rehabilitation programme where former patients who are struggling to return to activities of daily living can participate in a structured, healthcare-led exercise plan from the convenience of their own home to boost their recovery and rebuild both their strength and their confidence.
It’s one of the best things I’ve done
ICUsteps Active participant Andrea James speaks about the programme
How we run the programme
Classes are run over 8 weeks and are run by experienced ICU physiotherapists and an exercise assistant.
Week 1
The programme begins with a one-to-one online session with us where we'll chat about goals and ensure the participant is happy with the exercises.
Weeks 2-7
The following weeks will each consist of an online exercise class, followed by a facilitated peer support session.
Week 8
We finish the programme with another one-to-one online session to review the participant's goals and achievements.
Previous participants have told us that the classes have given them confidence to exercise and helped them to achieve their own goals; be it driving independently, walking to the bus stop, completing a jigsaw puzzle, or mowing the lawn! The most important aspects of the class are the reassurance that participants are not going through their recovery alone, and that so many of the symptoms they might be experiencing are a very normal part of the recovery process.
Where are we going next?
Several groups of former ICU patients have already participated in ICUSteps Active. Following the resounding success of these pilot cohorts, we're now looking to create a more refined referral route for clinicians through our website.
We are keen to help as many former ICU patients (and their relatives) as possible. The group won’t be for everyone, but if you feel we could help your patient and they meet the inclusion criteria, then fill in the form and we will go from there.
Inclusion criteria
To be eligible to apply for a place with ICUsteps Active, patients must:
- have been discharged from their ICU stay within the last two years,
- be struggling with physical and/or non-physical aspects of their recovery journey, and
- be able to access and use Zoom video conferencing from their home.
Many of our participants so far have been referred from ICU follow up clinics, but all referrals will be considered from any healthcare professional.
How you can get involved
If you’re an NHS Healthcare Professional and you have a former ICU patient in mind who you think might benefit from the programme, you can apply on their behalf here.
Please bear in mind that as our service is still evolving we may not have capacity to support everyone who applies.
Once we've reviewed your referral form we will contact you to let you know when we anticipate contacting your patient. Once in touch with your patient, we'll arrange a date and time for online assessment and following this, enrol them into the programme.
Please be aware we may need to contact you again for your help in further signposting in your local area, as required during the 8 week programme.
Apply now
This form is intended for use by healthcare professionals to refer patients who meet the eligibility criteria for ICUsteps Active. All fields are required.