I have very little recollection of how I entered the A&E Department of Milton Keynes General Hospital and ending up in ICU. Late evening on Saturday 25th October I do remember ringing my daughter Serena twice and leaving messages on her answerphone asking for her help. When I realised that she was not yet home I telephoned MKDocs saying that I was not well (again I cannot recall how ill I was feeling).
I can remember entering the ambulance outside my home and the doors opening at MK Hospital and seeing into the A&E Department, after that my mind is a complete blank. I do not recall my daughter and her husband being with me. During my stay in ICU I had some very vivid dreams which seemed to go on and on. When I came out of sedation, the first person I saw and recognised was my mother and I remember smiling at her before going off to sleep. The nursing staff were marvellous and I cannot thank them enough for all the care I received.
My daughter has only just given me the diary which she kept during my stay in ICU. After reading this my emotions were very high, thinking of the distress that my family went through whilst I remember nothing.
I am glad to say that now I am so much better and days I feel I can take on the world, another day I may hit rock bottom for no apparent reason but these days are occurring less and less.